Sunday, January 21, 2007

happy birthday Blair! It's my friend blairs birthday and he likes superman so we made him a superman cake. It's flippen sweet here be the pictures.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

2nd semester

Ok well finally 1st semester and now we're rolling down hill to graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited I can't really stand high school any longer. I will not be crying at graduation or at the end of the year. I'll actually be really extremely happy to get out of there and never ever go back unless it is to see some of my favorite teachers. That's right no highschool reunions for me. No thank You! Any ways I discovered this really hilarious comic strip called f minus so you all should check it out even though I'm pretty sure hardly any one reads this except Lindsey. But she could tell any one else she sees to look at these comics because they are truely up there with far side and some times surpassing them. HAHA It's the one at the top of the blog I'll try and put another

those two are some of my favorites well peace out people

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

NEW Year

Hello 2007 wow this is weird I gradutate this year I'm old but tres excited!!!This means in the fall I go to BYU WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Ok and maybe I will quit my job!!
All right And it's sad because both my brother and sister who live away and are able to visit were here very long I miss them they are fun and nice! even if they are mean to me about my music choices! But oh well! ok Christmas was fun I went to a party and these kids did the nativity. It was cute.
I need a haircut too because it has been like 6 months and i have split ends and uber long hair and ... DAD IS HOME!!! That means its almost bed time well Much love to all y'all. BYe