Thursday, March 25, 2010

oh and...

This morning I decided I wanted to do something like a weekly reoccurance on my blog. And I decided I would do it about my friends. So if you would like to participate let me know, otherwise I will just be going through my phone and picking some one at random each week. I would do it in order of my favorites but I don't want your feelings to be hurt if you thought that you were my favorite and I didn't pick you first. Probably I'll start with my friends who don't even read my blog. This will make them read it. HAHAHA...yes well anyways. I'm going to call it Meet My Friends Wednesdays. You may be thinking why not Monday or Friday for the whole alliteration thing, but if you are thinking that you don't know me very well. I hate alliteration. The End. I think first I will spotlight Jenna Perry, it should make for an amusing post. (Not because Jenna is crazy but because we are crazy when we're together).


Unknown said...

To keep it completely alliteration free I think you should title it:
"Introduction to My Friends Wednesday."

alirara said...

But then it sounds like there should be a 200 level course after it that I would post next fall.

Unknown said...

One time, a couple months ago, someone at institute or something was talking about calling something something... (this story sounds great huh.) Anyway, the title was all alliterated and I said, "my sister hates alliteration." They stared at me. And I said, "what, whenever I hear something alliterated that is what I think of. I don't think thats weird. She does. She hates it."
Then they gave a confused laugh.
Nobody here understands me.
The fall course could be: Understanding My Friends Wednesday.

alirara said...

or the History of my Friends Wednesday.

Docface said...

I can hardly wait for Wednesday!