Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009 in Review

Happy New Year!! So far I am in love with 2010 because it is my year. Yep.

This semester I'm taking 17.5 credits but I think it will be pretty easy. I only have 3 classes with real meat to them I think. Chemistry, Geology and History of Creativity. Granted at the moment I can only remember 2 other classes that I'm taking ok I just rememebred another one and I'm still not worried. So you shouldn't be either.

Ok time to review 2009. I am so glad that year is over pretty much the longest year of my life thus far. And so many ways to review it. I guess I will just give you a list of random rememberings.
  • This is the year I got my first kiss...and my second hahaha
  • Also the year I got the real flu for the first time and actually lost my voice for the first time.
  • I also got my first root canal
  • My first semester of college to get all A's and B's
  • My laptop crashed
  • I had a lot of friends leave on their missions.
  • I got my wisdom teeth out
  • I made a camera and actually used it to take pictures.
  • Took a road trip to Cedar City it took 4 hours because we were driving in a blizzard pretty much.

And the things I will always rememebr 2009 for are the saddest things. A lot of deaths happened. I lost 2 friends this year. My family had deaths in it, my home ward too. Also a lot of famous people died as well. And even though these are sad experiences I'm comforted by God's Plan for us. I know these people will be able to be with their families again for eternity. Pretty awesome. Though still sad.

Ok this is my remembering 2009. Farewell 2009 you will not be missed for the most part. Yeah there were some good parts but overall I would give the year a D+ or a C- you decide.

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