Friday, June 3, 2011

Hmph Well!

Sometimes you just miss things don't you?  You are going along all great and all of the sudden it hits you how much you really miss that thing, person, or situation.  And it's hard isn't it?  

That happened to me just barely an hour ago I guess.  I just started missing all these things.  

I was thinking about my future and getting freaked out.  And then I realized how much i miss the way things were.

But I guess that's life, we just have to move on and deal with things.  Look forward because how is looking at the past and wondering what could have happened going to help?  It's not, really it's not going to help at all.  Believe me I know these things.

Anyways was that just cryptic enough for you that you are wondering what I'm missing.  

"You're so vain you probably think this [post] is about you. Don't you? don't you? don't you?"

Well you're probably right, because I am missing a lot of things right now.

Also I don't really think you're vain it's from a song 

Anyways my brother and sister-in-law came to visit Utah last weekend and it was so awesome to see them and spend time with them.  I don't get to do a lot of that because They live in Az and I don't.  But They invited me to a BBQ on Sat, which was so delicious and awesome.  They came up with Jessica's family and it was fun to get to know them better and just chill with family you know.

I never feel more comfortable than when I am with family.  

Then Monday they came down and Jessica's dad treated us to Sammy's (Yay for $1 grilled cheese).  And then we went to Salt Lake and hit up some Church things, like an organ recital.  It was awesome.  And then they wanted to go to the roof of the conference center because it is a garden.  It's so cool!! And we went to the Beehive House and got the tour and we went to the Church History Museum, which I have never been to before but it was really cool.   I couldn't look at everything though because they were closing early for Memorial Day.  Oh well.  
Ah SOOOO Adorable.

AAAhh Tyler is going to fall.  No Tyler stood there and was like this looks like a good spot for a picture.  So there you have it.

And then Jessica's dad treated us to pizza, the real Italian kind and it was really good.  I am so grateful I got to spend that time with them it was super fun.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a fun weekend! Love, Mom